Website Development for Autism Organization

The formation of the APPROACH AUTISM SOCIETY and it’s subsequent registration in the year 2011 under the Society Act , is the result and initiative of a set of concerned parents of Neuro Divergent children and their quest for finding a solution for the question, “What After Us?”.



  • Developed Udemy Like LMS Ecommerce Website with Ecommerce
  • Added Referral Program on each purchase and Affiliate System on Each Sales
  • Added Multiple on site Coupon for Discounted Course
  • Build Auto Generated Certificate when someone complete the course
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Screenshot 2024-08-01 at 7.23.07 PM

The first milestone was the development of the website structure and UI, taking into account the semantic core and analysis of competitors’ sites. The terms of reference for filling into account all the necessary parameters of usability.

  • Attendance per month 32 008 peoples
  • Number of requests is 1 668
  • Increase in the number of requests 1651%
  • Search phrases in the top-10 is 91%
For the website has been developed convenient logical structure for a positive interaction with potential customers and to cover the greatest number of search phrases.
It was conducted A / B testing to select the optimal tariff plans and to find most conversional forms of  orders.